Gearbox research………………….
We are currently researching into the gearbox’s fitted to 1959 cars. We know that in the first 12 months there were 4 different gearboxes used, 2A3707, 2A3708, 22A77 and 22A104.
We have no information in any parts books on change points for these box’s sadly so yet again we have to base our learning on all our amazing members. Could we ask that owners check their gearbox castings for the number and send it via the contact form please, the numbers are found on the front face of the box behind the oil filter housing as raised letters and numbers as part of the casting. There should also be a box number engraved on the front on a flat rounded rectangle on the left hand side of the casting below the distributor on most boxes.
We can hopefully build up some form of history from any information sent in.
We would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to look at your cars to help us further our group understanding and knowledge. The results will be posted on the website as part of a revamp and update over the winter period.