Quentin Willson (motoring journalist and TV presenter) has joined us, buying a 59 off another register member. 900 FRL is a late 59 built Austin Seven in Speedwell blue. Quentin is busy finding rare missing parts, he is writing about his new project in “Classic Cars” magazine and in his column “confessions of an auto gleaner” in the May 2011 issue page 17, he even gave the 1959 Mini Register a plug.
Quentin has written,
“Bought a 1959 Austin Seven Mini the other day. It needs a complete restoration, but it’s one of the early cars that rolled out of Longbridge in the first few months of production. I think it’s a hugely important icon, but my wife thinks it’s a pile of scrap!
There are only about 100 ’59s known to have survived, and I’m going to totally restore this one. If you happen to be one of 900 FRL’s former owners, please get in touch. I’d love to unearth my icon’s past.”
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Quentin blames his fellow 1959 Mini Register member, fellow motoring journalist and friend Richard Bremner for igniting the 59 Mini bug. Richard who along with two other friends bought Austin 108 over New Year 2011

The finished product at the NEC Classic Motor Show 2012